Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Philadelphia Phillies

Congratulations to our Philadelphia Phillies for winning the world Series tonight. While I'm not primarily a baseball fan I do live and breathe Philadelphia.
Way to go ! The Billy Penn curse is gone !!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I forgot to comment on how excited I am to actually have ONE Follower! Hello Lora! Lora is my Kentucky daughter (I have a habit over the years of adopting my daughters friends). My daughter is also a follower, but she has to keep her blog hidden. (We all know she's there tho) It's so much fun to actually see a "Follower". I know other people read regularly -- friends comment all the time. I finally got Auntie to come on board and since she has mastered MySpace I have no doubt she will figure the Blogger out as well (maybe on nights Joe is working) And my other loyal reader is Marcy from work (she actually loves Melinda's blog and thinks she should write for a living, as do I) we have to get her signed up even if it's only just to comment. For some reason she enjoys the lopsided humor. Maybe it's a Philadelphia thing? But then that doesn't account for Lora since she's from Kentucky.

Welcome followers - occasional readers and accidental visitors I don't usually have anything deep to say, but what I say is usually Real. If you can't handle mild sarcasm, tongue in cheek innuendo, or just good natured fun then you really shouldn't tune in here.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Discovering Rednecks

My daughter and her husband got their TV service this weekend. The most natural thing to do when you've been away from the TV for a long time is to channel surf. They discovered "My Big Redneck Wedding" on CMT. But what are the chances that Auntie discovered it as well? If you've ever seen the other wedding shows on with the Brides from hell and budgets starting at $100,000, this is the polar opposite. Imagine paying $19 for your wedding gown at a consignment shop and BeDazzling your Groom's name on your dress. How about a wedding cake with each tier being held up by beer cans? Attendants dressed in Camouflage? Or finally getting hitched in the middle of a muddy bog on top of demolition cars? Every girls dream, I know.

All my daughter and son-in-law had was wine tasting party and a wonderful dinner - NO Jello wrestling - NO bobbing for Pigs Feet. Just don't know what happened. I bet Jason didn't give HER a racoon penis for a wedding gift. Maybe they will get it right on their third and fourth marriages........

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Autumn and the Holiday Countdown

Spent a lovely weekend with my daughter. Well she was home - we spent quality time in front of the TV while she recovered from the Wedding of friends. But before we planted ourselves in front of the TV for a marathon of Army Wives, NCIS and Girls Next Door, we went out and had a nice breakfast, then wandered around Chester County a bit looking for some nice Fall colors.

I think we need another week and the colors will be breathtaking, but it was a good start- that's probably the one thing I like about this time of year besides the fact that it cools off.
This is the beginning of the RUSH. Once we celebrate Halloween, it's just a heartbeat away from Thanksgiving. Although you won't see signs for Thanksgiving in any store because once Halloween is over, Christmas decorations will start to fill the stores. The countdown will begin the day after Thanksgiving - Black Friday - reminding you of the number of shopping days you have left. And before you know it Christmas will be here and gone.
So - before the rush hits us - before the leaves all disappear - those of you that can - get out and enjoy the changing of the leaves because it will surely feel like a LONG LONG time before everythng turns green again.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Presidential Elections and the Mindless Masses

Why is this election more important than any other past Presidential election? Oh yes – there is a black man running and a woman. Yes, that would certainly be history making wouldn’t it? The First Black President. Or – the first woman Vice-President.

But – is that any reason to Vote for that particular person / party? Because it would be a historical first and by GOD it is TIME we had a Black man in the oval office or a woman vice president? I really don’t think many people will step up and vote for Sarah just to make her a historical first VP.

(Note - Victoria Woodhull was the first woman to run for President in 1872, not Hilliary)

But, I do believe there will be many voters out there voting for Obama strictly because he is black believing that it’s about time. I don’t disagree with that statement- it is about time, but is he really the most qualified? Is he really experienced enough? Or is he really the most amiable, well-spoken black politician at the moment?

I have been sitting back and quietly listening to friends, co-workers and different radio shows talk about the candidates and it frightens me that some of these people will be out there voting in this election -- so many of them getting their cues from the likes of Oprah, the women on the View, Rush, Hannity, Bruce Springsteen??? …..and not one of them able to direct you to (an unbiased) website discussing the pros and cons.

It’s bad enough that the press – be it written or the TV News media, can no longer give unbiased reports about anything. It is SO easy to know which way a correspondent leans these days. How do you form an opinion that’s not slanted with the same rhetoric being churned out by both candidates?

There isn’t a lot of time –everyone honestly needs to question why they are voting the way they are. Have you really looked at both sides? Remember – a Politician is a Politician no matter what he calls himself – Democrat, Republican, whatever. They are ALL Politicians. Some more polished than others, but they all ultimately dance to those same tunes – Congress – Senate – Lobbyists, Big corporations $. Don’t be fooled by that promise of change. The only way to change that would be a revolution – a dictator.

So - do everyone a favor before you vote – check everyone out – you have less than a month now to make an informed decision- don't be part of the mindless masses that will be going out on election day.

Don’t vote for someone just because some celebrity said that’s who you should vote for.

Don’t vote for someone because your spouse / parents / boss/ friends told you that’s who you should vote for.

Don’t vote for someone just because they are black.

Don’t vote for someone just because they are a woman.

DO Vote for the candidate you checked out and really believe in.

Don't be mindless - be informed - and VOTE.