Wednesday, December 10, 2008

HOW I SPENT MY EVENING war with a squirrel.

Let me explain......There I sat finishing up some Christmas cards when I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye dash down the hallway. Of course the trusty watch dogs just sat there like fuzzy lumps so I thought it was a piece of the Christmas tree that fell on the floor – after all, they would have gone after some strange animal, right? But, just to be on the safe side I grabbed my trusty broom and headed down the hall to see where this hallucination may have gone. A regular Jedi knight – broom in one hand and a water bottle in the other – going to soak and swat the little sucker. Of course I didn’t find anything and wrote it off to a senior moment.

Back to decorating - I finish putting the tree together and sit down to appreciate it and have a cup of tea when something most definitely gray and small came charging up the hallway straight for me - thumpa, thumpa, thumpa, thumpa – that’s the sound it’s little rodent feet made on the carpet as it flew into the dining room and then into the kitchen. (mind you, the dogs haven’t reacted at all) Now I am standing on the sofa with the water bottle and banging the broom on the table. The little SOB came barreling back, but I jumped in front of him and made a sharp turn for the front entryway. Unfortunately that door wasn’t open and he went back into the kitchen. I had opened the patio door thinking the animal might be smart enough to run out an open door (thank God it was in the 50’s yet this evening)

SO – I call the office and they send some poor man who has to drive ½ hour to get to me. I tell him to walk right in because I have no intention of leaving my post – I am sitting on the top of my love-seat with boom at the ready and water bottle in hand – waiting for the little bastard to come out. He came out once and ducked back toward the kitchen. When the maintenance man arrived he combed the entire apartment – moving things and banging things – hopefully scaring the crap out of Mr. Squirrel. Twice around and nothing – he felt certain that our visitor left via the patio door. I can’t say I feel all warm and fuzzy about that and figure the kids will be staying in my bedroom tonight with the door closed…….

I can finally sympathize with Ronnieann’s Mom. If you never heard that story you have to ask her. It’s a classic. Mine isn’t as classic as the “Rat” incident back in the late 80’s but this will certainly go down in my rodent remembrances journal. (I think after you have 3 incidents you can start an official journal on the subject).


.......and I am (not very) patiently waiting for my daughter to finish so I can finally hear what she thinks. I think she is also going to be one of the Twilight people since she hasn't been able to put down the books since she picked up the first one.

I finished Book 4 this past weekend and now I feel lost. No more Edward and Bella to look forward to. It's going to take a week or so before I can pick up another of the many many books that are sitting here waiting to be read.

I think all the Harry Potter fans out there will love Bella and Edward - in a different way from Harry, but you all need to give them a chance. I never read Harry Potter therefore......

Friday, December 5, 2008


Once again I’m long past due in blogging. I used to be good at keeping a journal, but that was just for my eyes – it’s harder to blog with any frequency when you don’t lead a very exciting existence!

So, I had a wonderful week off. Actually started my Christmas shopping, but spent most of the time catching up on my DVR’s and reading book 2, 3 and starting Book 4 of the “Twilight” series. Totally sucked me in – won’t say more - see previous blog.

I left to go to the kids for the Thanksgiving holiday on Wednesday, and the drive was pretty uneventful until I got to Exit 150 – then I crawled at about 20 MPH for the next hour. There is nothing like I-95 around our Great Capital! So I arrived a little later than anticipated, but made it in one piece and without having to bolt for the new bathroom. The dogs were even happy this time to be there. The last time was a bit of a trauma for them. The house is coming along very well and what they have finished so far is beautiful. Those of you who have the “key” can see the photos at the Kodak site. Jason says they are taking a break from renovations until after the holidays and I think that’s a great idea.

Thanksgiving Day was lovely. Melinda actually had everything timed perfectly and there was really little for me to do except “assist”. Unfortunately, not all the guests had the same timing and dinner was later than planned. But it still turned out great and there was PLENTY of good wine.

I hope everyone had as nice a holiday as I did - and that you all had a chance to think about everything you have to be thankful for.