Friday, August 12, 2016

Canadian Geese

I was always told if you hit one you would get fined big time.  Needless to say I go out of my way to avoid them on the road.  They happen to like to congregate out front  where I work, so sometimes we have to be vigilant or we can get chased.  I've been told they are not very friendly, but that's not a problem, because I have always given them plenty of room!

When I was leaving work not too long ago there was one goose that was not keeping up with the rest of the flock, and it was apparent something was wrong with his wing.  I felt quite bad so when I got home I called my own Vet and asked if they had any numbers I could call to get the bird help.  They gave me 4 numbers.  No help.  I tried the local SPCA, went online to the Pennsylvania Game Commission,, Pennsylvania Association of Wildlife Rehabilitators, with no luck.

In 90 minutes time I made 26 phone calls with one that finally asked ME to bring the bird to them (in Philadelphia).  By the time I got thru to this person it was pouring rain.  Unfortunately, there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell I was going to go out in the storm to pick up an injured bird with a towel and a box?

Unfortunately, the next morning the dead bird was by the entrance.  It was a feast for the other large birds (which I do not know what they were).

The moral of this story is there isn't any rehabilitators in Chester County for any fowl that is hurt.  So if you happen across a Goose that is hurt, well, I hear they taste like chicken.