Monday, January 19, 2009


So the computer died last week and that pretty much determined how I would spend my weekend. I didn't know it would be an omen for what would happen on Sunday, but that's another post. I checked out an Apple, but not being able to afford a Bentley at this time, I decided to go with a Dell Laptop. Red - of course with a little red mouse. I'll be damned if I will ever be able to use that little pad. Not patient. Those who know me won't argue that one.

Here's a photo - it came with Vista of course and that strange little Google gadget. I don't like a busy desktop - but by the time I figured out how to get RID of the darn thing I rather enjoyed the clock sitting there.

Computer melt-downs are a pain in the butt aren't they? I had been backing up, but the past year just kinda got away from me. Hindsight.......Oh well. Maybe Joe will be able to salvage 2008 from the drives I send him.
My fingers are numb from typing in all the contact information I could salvage from my address book and what I had at work. I guess I just need to ask everyone to e-mail me so I can add you back. At least my in box is cleaned out. Good thing Melinda posts pictures on Kodak - at least all is not lost.
Oh well.....time to take the kids for their last walk - they won't go far - 3" of snow out there. They will probably pee on the front step.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Gail is 50 !!!

Yeah - another big birthday - it is finally nice to have some company in the "50" age bracket, even if it will only be a short time (sigh).

Ronnieann, Christine, Mo and I had fun turning Gail's cubicle into a Birthday Nightmare Thursday evening after everyone left. All in good fun tho, and Gail loved it - Doesn't she look great in her Birthday princess crown and her magic wand???

And Gail was the First I2 employee to have the Birthday serenade with Kazoos! Yes - it was magic! I think we may have started yet another I2 Birthday tradition today.

And speaking of tradition - it wouldn't be a birthday for any of us if we didn't go to the Blarney Stone to celebrate - which we did - Gail, Ronnieann, Christine, Karen, Courtney, Ann, Justin, Billy, Prin, Carla and myself.

For those of you would like to see a few more photos, I up-loaded to the other site since it takes too long to get them on the blog. Just click HERE


Monday, January 5, 2009

Carmel - No Longer the Princess.....

Carmel can no longer claim Princess - we all know who the Princess is - no - I think she has graduated to Queen. She has become the bully of the two, Gaston quite happy to sit back and let her rule. Carmel looking for a place to hide the cookie she stole from Gaston......

Digging in......
All done ! And she wanted another treat...
I posted these for Melinda - she misses Carmel very much. So I am going to include a video clip of her as well. This is as perky as she gets. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

2008 - Gone But Not Forgotten

It was a pretty good year. Happiness and sadness hand in hand this past year, but I tried to remember just the happy times. And I think we had quite a few - and I hope everyone out there did too. There's been weddings, cross-country trips, new homes, and new babies on the way. What a wonderful forecast for 2009!
Melinda and Jason were here for Christmas day and I think Jason finally figured out we are definitely a little strange. If he didn't know that last year he has to believe it this year. Santa goes a bit crazy at our house with lots of little things. Jason's good friend Gaston was even helping him Christmas Morning with his stocking....
We had a nice long, relaxing day with plenty to eat and drink. The kids got me a wonderful toaster oven/broiler/warmer that is fantastic. Jason took out the old non-working one right away knowing I might try to get a little more life out of it. They also bought me a stuffed squirell and nuts. Hmmmmm...quite the jokers. Everyone got great gifts - Santa was way good again this year. I got Jason My National Parks Monopoly and that put us in the mood later Christmas evening to play some games. Poor Jason got a taste of the McBride women for a game of UNO. Things weren't looking too good for him so we tried SORRY next.
After breakfast on the 26th Melinda and Jason headed up to his family home to spend the day with his family.

I did break down and decorate (as you can see slightly above) even tho I said I wouldn't! I did tone it down this year. And contrary to my normal time line, I have all my decorations down and away - 3 days early. Every year tho without fail I forget something and don't usually notice it until a week or so after the decorations are all down. Wonder what it will be this year?
Anyway, the kids are off in West Virginia - out of cell phone and Internet range - with friends celebrating the New Year (there IS a Hot tub and I'm sure plenty of wine) . Although if you check out Lora's Blog you will see they did manage to escape to the city for a short while and reported that an evil critter was amongst them. I wonder if it was my Squirrel friend who hitched a ride with them over Christmas ?
Oh well - I will report later on the New Year Changes here. For now we need to take a walk!