Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Move

The Actual move has been made. All I can say at the moment - sitting here after a shower with a Double Baileys is that I am looking forward to going back to work to rest. Initially I was upset that I couldn't get a second floor apartment - but after moving from a second floor to a first floor I can assure everyone I would not have survived a second story move. I don't think my movers would have either. God love them - Jason, Melinda and Kate. (Mostly Jason and Kate) The weather forecast for Sunday was supposed to be rain, but I don't believe we got rained on at all and it turned out to be a good weather day. Everyone was exhausted including the dogs, who though we were only visiting the new place. They're still not too sure about it, but they have stopped following me from room to room.

I took three days off to get settled in and move odds and ends out of the old place and clean over there some. I still don't know where all this crap came from. Melinda did take home quite a bit of her own (finally), but imagine my surprise to find Boxes of stuff that didn't quite make it down to Virginia. It's been quite a game trying to find room now for her additional boxes. I have a 2 bedroom apartment - she has a BIG house. There is something wrong with this equation........

So - I'm running between apartments Monday and Tuesday - cleaning - unpacking, collapsing. Tuesday tho I have to disconnect all the Comcast stuff and bring it with me so I decide to pop online - check mail one last time - and POOF - the new computer turns off. Try again to turn it on and - nothing. WTF??? The computer is what - 3 months old ? Do I need this shi*? So I pack it up and run down to Staples to get the problem corrected - since I paid for service out the arse when I got it. They tell me I can have it back that evening. Great - I'll pick it up in my spare time. Now I go back to the old place - pick up more crap and load the car - take out trash and head back to the new place and the kiddies. And.....I have a sick dog. Carmel decided to have a coughing fit. Since she is prone to upper respiratory infections I spend the rest of the afternoon listening to her hack like a cat trying to cough up a hairball. It just gets worse and now her little brown eyes are all tearing and her fat little body vibrating with each breath. Call the vet. Great - emergency visit. No - not at all! After talking to him he tells me to go get some pediatric cough medicine. OK - I can do that on my way back to Staples to pick up the computer. Just need to ask them to give me a syringe to shoot the stuff into her mouth. No problem. After a dose she curled up on the sofa and slept just fine. Emergency averted.

The kids are having a tough time getting used to noise from upstairs. Just the normal walking across the floor - creaking - makes them edgy. The funniest (and embarrassing) thing was Monday afternoon while I was in the bedroom putting some things away, our neighbor was getting friendly with someone. The dogs went wild. It did sound like the ceiling was going to come in on top of us. The office told me she works evenings or something, so I guess her afternoons are like our evenings. Whatever - I tried not to think about that tonight when I had to knock on her door because it was RAINING in my bathroom - like Angel falls thru the vent.

I was glad she answered the door dressed. I didn't ask WHO was in the tub.

So yeah - I want to get back to work. Get away from the cleaning, unpacking, flooded bathrooms, sick dogs, re-arranging furniture. I can start again this weekend. I need to catch up on all the shows I missed Monday and Tuesday night.

Going to pour another Baileys - the kids must have finished this one.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ladies Room Comfort Assistant

Not every office is lucky enough to have one. But we do - elected unanimously by the Sales Service Department at I2. What exactly IS a LRCA ? Well - it is the person in charge of refilling the soap dispenser and toilet rolls in the ladies room of course. This post was given to the most vocal one of our group. The one who wasn't afraid to bitch openly about how lazy the females in our office can be when it comes to the refilling duties. I will protect her identity - I don't want to embarrass her totally, but let it be known that Rose, Gail, Ronnieanne and I missed her today while she was away at the Lightfair. (has the lightening struck yet?)

Soooo......while our gal was away working hard we decided that we needed to have a little fun at her expense. And, what better way to honor our TP Girl but by decorating her cubicle? Exactly!! Here is Rose hard at work - I hope she got the keyboard - forgot about that!

Here you can see the handiwork on the computer monitor, phone and mouse. I believe they did go back and get the calculator as well. If anything we pride ourselves on being thorough!

What can I say - here is the finished product. We are like a snowball going downhill - we get an idea and it takes off. What started out as an "innocent" e-mail turned into this. Kudos to the Customer Service Department. Even tho we were really busy today, we still found time to have some fun.

With luck I will get a video of her tomorrow on her return. Hopefully it won't have to be censored and I can post that as well.