Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rent or Own - Relationship or Booty call......

OK - so it's not the best analogy, but at my age the latter works out very well. I've been asked WHY. Let's consider the Pros shall we?

Why I rent an apartment:
  1. Renting I do not have property taxes.
  2. Renting I do not have to pay for repairs.
  3. Renting I do not have to shovel snow.
  4. Renting I do not have to mow grass.
  5. Renting - I can move with 90 days notice.

Why I prefer a booty call:
  1. I don't have to cook for him.
  2. I don't have to clean for him.
  3. I don't have to do his laundry.
  4. I don't have to attend family or business functions.
  5. I don't have to spend time with his family.
  6. I don't have to "check in" every day.

I honestly don' t know that I would like to own my own home at this point in time - and I think it would take a very special man to make me want to change what arrangement I have right now. I think what I really need is a Mother or a Wife. Someone who will be here when I get home to have dinner on the table since I don't eat properly (cooking for one sucks) and possibly having a nice breakfast ready as well. I don't mind the household chores so I really think a part-time Mom would be nice.

If you know of anyone - tell them to call!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Another Birthday bites the dust

Birthdays just plain bite at my age, but you gotta love the cheesecake.
Cheesecake is what I get for my birthday at work and it is so worth not eating lunch to have a second slice.
PLAIN cheesecake tho - no fruit - no flavors - plain old cheesecake thank you. The others are okay, but there is nothing like it. Those that know me know what I normally say, so I'll leave that blank today.
Not like it's a "G" rated blog or anything - I mean - look at the card I got - that says it all about me.

Saturday my girlfriend Pat drove up from Baltimore to spend the afternoon to celebrate my birthday as well. We went to lunch at Magnolia Grill in West Chester. If you haven't been there you are missing a real treat. After lunch we did a little shopping and hung out since we don't get to hang out anymore since they've moved to Maryland to take care of their Granddaughter.
Saturday evening was spent quietly with another unnamed friend and I guess you can say we hung out too - LOL. I address that in another blog. We'll just call it why booty calls are better than dating.
So - I guess I've left myself wide open on that one. Till next time. Gotta get the kids out for their last PP!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Harry Potter, Professor Snape and Alan Rickman

I actually went to the movies to see the latest Harry Potter Movie with Karen from work. She, like my daughter, has read all the HP Books. I have not. While my daughter was still living at home I never really HAD to read anything because at ANY given moment Harry Potter would be on the TV. It was the only movie that ever seemed to be playing when I walked into the room. Needless to say, I became quite familiar with everyone at Hogwarts. It only seemed fitting to go SEE the movie at the theatre since my daughter is married and no longer living at home - so no chance of seeing this on the TV over and over again.

My daughter has been after me to read these books now for some time, but I can't see reading them after having seen the movies dozens of times. I will, however, be reading this last book, because I want to know what happens before the next movie installment. I was upset that Professor Dumbledore is no more - even more upset that it was Prof. Snape that did him in......Snape has always been my guy. I can't accept his actions - so - Marcy said she will bring me the last book to read. I don't think I will be able to stand it if Prof. Snape is truly a bad guy tho. I don't think he looks like a bad guy!

I've always had a thing for Alan Rickman - loved the characters he played - Hans Gruber in "Die Hard", The Sheriff of Nottingham in "Robin Hood Prince of Thieves", the wonderful Metatron in "Dogma", to the Spock-like character Alexander Dane in "Galaxy Quest" one of my all time favorite movies

In fact - since there isn't anything on TV, I think I'll pour myself a G&T and grab "Galaxy Quest".

Till next time.