Monday, October 31, 2016

The Adventures of Tessie

Tessie was very happy to visit while her "mom" has been away, but the first morning after a walk and breakfast she was ready to go home after a "cordial" visit.   Unfortunately she had to get comfy with Gaston for the day because I had to go to work.  I came home at lunchtime and everyone was happy to go for a walk. but Tessie was wildly disappointed that the ladies in the rental office were on their way out, because she wanted to get a treat!  Since I had to go back to work again  and wouldn't be home until 9:00 PM, I did give her a small treat before I left.

When I got home and opened the door, she flew past me out the door, made quick pee on the grass and was half way across the lot to the rental office before I caught up with her!  She is one determined girl!   

I'm not used to animation at dinner time - Gaston is pretty much a couch-potato who will sit quietly waiting for his dinner, while Tessie dances in circles in the kitchen, under foot until I put her dish on the floor.   She ate all the chicken right off the bat, but played with her kibble - bringing a mouthful into the kitchen and putting it on the floor to eat a piece here and there.  She found out quickly tho that Gaston will gladly clear her bowl if she dawdles!

Day two - Tessie came into the bedroom to wake me two minutes before the alarm went off.  That's not too bad all things considered.  We went out for a quick walk while Gaston snoozed - she wasn't going to disrupt his schedule -  and when we got back she had a leisurely breakfast while I took Gaston out for a short walk.  After I got ready for work we went out for a joint walk, but that wasn't one of my better ideas.  Gaston is a lollygagger and Tessie is a jogger.  Like walking the tortoise and the hare.  At least I am getting plenty of walks in!  When I came home at lunch Tessie made another attempt to get out, so today I set up a small barrier in the entry way to keep Tessie from running out the door when I come home this evening!

Fail.  I came home and no Tessie - I looked everywhere in the apartment and started to go into panic mode when there comes a barking from outside.   Open the door and there she is!  Ran past me yet again and I never saw her.  The barricade obviously was a bust!   Oh well - she ate like a champ - inhaled her dinner, but I'm betting she knew Gaston was waiting to finish it for her!  After separate walks, they both settled in for the night and I worked on a new barricade.

So it's only taken a few days, but we have all settled into a pattern.  I've given up on a barricade since she gets past everything (including gallon water jugs) and I now open the door like I am "sweeping"  my way in!!   She isn't constantly following me around, and is happy to leave me alone as long as I don't try to leave the apartment.  She still tries to go to the leasing office when we go out - no matter the time of day or night, and still tries to get into her own apartment.  

She's very comfortable tho.....taken over the room


                                                      In her own bed

And she's rearranged all the "throws" to her own comfort!

But I'm pretty sure after tonight she will be more than ready to go home!

Miko doesn't put devil ears on her!!

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Nine years ago I wrote about how things used to be.  That happens when you get to be a certain age I guess.  Despite all the wonderful electronic advancements, I actually miss being more connected.  I don't have a "Smart" phone.  It's basic, but nowadays probably referred to as a "special needs" phone.  It texts, takes pictures, and makes and receives actual phone calls.

As far as I am concerned texting is OK for something quick - not full blown conversations.  Just pick up the phone and actually TALK to the person.  Oh - right - they're at work and shouldn't be on the phone - that's why you are texting.  OK got it.

Face book - I am guilty as the next person (since the next person has FB as well).  Going on Face book let's me keep in touch with my daughter who is very busy and very "electronic".  I know she is alive and well because she posts photos and updates!  She does text on a somewhat regular basis as well but I know she is busy!   Face book does let me SEE what my other friends and family are up to, but I can't tell you the last time I spoke to any of them!  That's disconnection.

Disconnection is a term I've read about since I've been reading a LOT of Scientology books.  (saving that for another blog)  That's a term they use when they "remove" themselves from what they refer to as Suppressive Persons.   Harsh.  But if you actually sit back and look at it that is exactly what we are doing to ourselves. People in Scientology choose to disconnect from people and the people they disconnect from are the ones that suffer.  I choose NOT to suffer any longer.

I've gone back to working a a second job - it's two-fold since I DO need the money, but I need the stimulation of PEOPLE.  Real people.  No longer trapped in my livingroom at night with the computer / TV,  I also have a new friend who also wants to "DO' real things.    So,  I will be weaning myself from checking FB as often and I will go back to sending WRITTEN notes to my long distance friends.

I will still enjoy your photos and updates on FB but I will be spending more time living in real time. If you would like to get together for lunch or dinner give me a call!  Email?  Text?  Tweet?  OK - leave  a message on Face Book - I'll check it sometime!  

Friday, August 12, 2016

Canadian Geese

I was always told if you hit one you would get fined big time.  Needless to say I go out of my way to avoid them on the road.  They happen to like to congregate out front  where I work, so sometimes we have to be vigilant or we can get chased.  I've been told they are not very friendly, but that's not a problem, because I have always given them plenty of room!

When I was leaving work not too long ago there was one goose that was not keeping up with the rest of the flock, and it was apparent something was wrong with his wing.  I felt quite bad so when I got home I called my own Vet and asked if they had any numbers I could call to get the bird help.  They gave me 4 numbers.  No help.  I tried the local SPCA, went online to the Pennsylvania Game Commission,, Pennsylvania Association of Wildlife Rehabilitators, with no luck.

In 90 minutes time I made 26 phone calls with one that finally asked ME to bring the bird to them (in Philadelphia).  By the time I got thru to this person it was pouring rain.  Unfortunately, there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell I was going to go out in the storm to pick up an injured bird with a towel and a box?

Unfortunately, the next morning the dead bird was by the entrance.  It was a feast for the other large birds (which I do not know what they were).

The moral of this story is there isn't any rehabilitators in Chester County for any fowl that is hurt.  So if you happen across a Goose that is hurt, well, I hear they taste like chicken.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Still Cable Free

So, it's been almost one year now that I cut my ties with cable, and I still couldn't be happier.  The ROKU box is wonderful and has given me zero problems.  It's so easy to use I will be investing in a second one for the bedroom, but this time probably the streaming stick

So - let me up-date.  SLING TV.  This was the third best investment (ROKU being the first, HULU the second).  Originally I lamented that I would be missing FX, SYFY, BBC America, and various other stations.  Well, it's been less than a year and they have added those stations to their basic package (and more)  that together with HULU make it the best thing I've done in years!   I can watch SLING TV on my laptop as well and probably on my phone if I had a smart phone!

I've had some people say that I'm STILL paying a lot.  Compared to Comcast?  Verizon?  Dish?   Yes, I have to pay for my Internet (and I still have a land line), but I no longer have to pay for that pricey DVR box because I can watch all the shows I normally watched on the DVR now with HULU and SLING and there's no additional cost or fancy box.   Even when I threw in a treat for a few months of HBO ($14.99) I was STILL paying $90 LESS than when I had Comcast.

And since October I've talked to the people at ROKU - NEVER, HULU- NEVER and SLING once. SLING responded to my e-mail requests immediately and my one lone phone call was answered promptly and I wasn't transferred all over the place.  It was a delight to deal with.

Compared to the number of times I had to call Comcast over the course of a year to "ping" the box from Puerto Rico (where their customer service is) I am WAY ahead.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Aging Rock Stars

Dear Aging Rockstar,

It is with a heavy heart i write to inform you that I can no longer contribute to your lifestyle.  For years i was one of the first in line (even slept out for hours) for tickets to see you.  Purchasing tickets for multiple shows and sometimes in other cities.

Alas.....those days are long gone.  Gone are the days of your fan club members getting priority treatment with first shot at tickets and the best seats.  Gone as well are the reasonable ticket prices.

Once upon a time you could buy tickets, park your car, eat , get a tee shirt and possibly a program - and have a good evening.  Now you have to put aside a large chunk of your weekly salary to afford just the ticket.   I wonder why your cost has gone up so much but other artists playing the same venue don't require I float a small loan to attend?

And I won't try to win free tickets with the radio stations this time either.  For the privilege of standing the entire show on the muddy grass watching on a large flat screen,  shoulder to shoulder with rowdy, drunk fans puking at my feet?    Nah.....I think this Old Broad prefers to stay home, pop in an Old VHS tape or a DVD from one of your Old concerts on my flat screen on my Old sofa with a bottle of wine.

With the money I save I can buy an airline ticket to visit my daughter!

Thanks guys!

Phone Sense

Working in customer service it amazes me how angry just about everyone is these days.  I realize that when you call in to us you have been  inconvenienced, so I do understand your frustration with the product.  But why do you think it is your right to attack the person answering the phone?  Or better yet, leave an obscene, usually illiterate, message on the answering service?

First - to those of you who are leaving messages - remember that we have Caller ID.   We can call you back, or even report your number, so be careful what you say.  Threats are usually reported to management both at our location and Your location.  Your leasing office is notified.  That way if you follow through with your violence, we all have a record.

Second - when you call (or leaving a message), take the food out of your mouth.  Refrain from eating please. And that goes for gum as well.   Speak clearly.  I wish most of the callers could hear themselves mumbling into the phone.   Those of you who have English as a second language, I am truly impressed.  I can only speak English fluently.  So unless you are fluent without any accent, please speak SLOWLY.  Please do not be insulted if I ask you to spell what you are saying.    This is, after all, the United States.   English is still the First language.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Nothing to do......

While making dinner this evening I caught someone on the news saying that kids were killing each other because they didn't have anything to do. The gentleman they were interviewing said that once the warm weather comes along these "Children" will be hanging out on the corners all evening with nothing to do.  It made me pause.  What on earth did we do as teens when we had nothing to do?   When we spent hours doing nothing on the street corners all summer long?   I don't remember one person ever killing someone.  Actually, I don't remember anyone ever being violent or intimidating to anyone at all.  No one ever had to cross the street to avoid us.

Have things deteriorated so badly that our youth has absolutely nothing they can do to amuse themselves?    Granted, my daughter is grown so I am not aware of what activities are available to teens, but I can't believe there isn't anything.  No longer any playgrounds with social events - sporting activities, dances.  I understand that movies are getting way too expensive to do weekly for a date, but I'm still not convinced there is NOTHING to do.

I am afraid I just believe there are a lot of angry teens out there and whether they have an opportunity to DO something or not doesn't matter - they will choose to be angry and DO nothing except  be angry and Blame everyone else for their anger.   Look at social media and the postings of all sorts of fight videos.  They think it is a joke.   These are the teens that bully and resort to violence.   And why are they angry ?  I'd like to know.  This generation has everything and then some but it doesn't seem to be enough.

I do know one thing this generation doesn't have that my daughter's generation had and those before her - and that was a good swift kick in the ass.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Social Networking

Simple Definition of social
  • : relating to or involving activities in which people spend time talking to each other or 
  •   doing enjoyable things with each other
  • : liking to be with and talk to people : happy to be with people
  • : of or relating to people or society in general

Before Facebook Social Networking I spent much more time reading newspapers.
.. I wrote actual letters.
.. I talked to people on the phone - Not Texted.
.. I actually met up with friends/family to get the latest news over meals, coffee, etc...
...I was actively "social"

Since Facebook ...I waste way too much time watching videos of dogs, cats, children, etc.
..I know what my friends and family are doing, or have done on any given day.
..I do get to see photos of friends and family - since I don't actually get to see THEM.
..I don't feel "Social" at all - and feel more anti-social.

I truly DO enjoy seeing all the photos and seeing the milestones posted I just wish everything wasn't so impersonal.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Pharmacy Tech

Dear Pharmacy District Managers,

This is really an open letter to ALL the Chain Store Pharmacy Departments .  Having recently worked for one,  I feel pretty certain that conditions are pretty much the same all around.

I originally took a position thinking I was being hired locally, only to find out the job was miles away.  Not much I could do since I really needed a second job and there isn't anything out there for people of a "certain age".   So when after taking out Union dues (Local 1776), the extra cost of gas for the 14 mile round trip commute, I was now officially making below minimum wage.

First let's breakdown what the job consisted of and what you officially called the position.  Officially you called it a Pharmacy Cashier:

 1 - Pull bags with drugs, and cash out customers.
 2 - Answer phones and customers questions
 3 - Refill prescriptions customers called in, or dropped off.
 4 - Count drugs and label.
 5 - Put drugs away.
 6 - Stock stations.
 7 - Refill Robot (with drugs)
 8 - Order drugs.
 9 - Type scripts and enter into computer.
10 - Fill scripts.
11 - Empty trash (Blue, green and clear)
12 - Pull Out dates
13 - Call Insurance Companies when there is a dispute.

 So.....If all I was to do in the pharmacy was to "cashier", they would have been up a creek without a paddle!   Of course my badge DID change from Pharmacy Cashier to "Pharmacy Associate" after a year, but I was still not getting paid for the "Technician" work that I did every shift.  I did get a raise after one year - $.25 an hour, followed by another $.25 an hour by year two (that's a whopping $7.88/hr).

I think it is safe to say for the amount and Type of work done by the pharmacy "cashier" the pay scale should be higher.  Most cashiers could go to McDonald's and get more money. I was always tempted to ask customers when they paid - would you like fries with that?

But I digress.....

In additional to my regular morning job that I worked 25 hours a week at, I worked 3 evenings a week and every other weekend for the pharmacy.  (that's 5 hours more every evening and 8 hour shifts on weekends).   I was happy that the store I worked at was always busy, because the shift went by quickly most evenings/weekends.  Unfortunately, because it was so busy, I usually stayed later every shift because the pharmacist was short-handed.  Short-handed because they could not schedule but a certain number of people (hours) and they didn't have enough "techs" who could "type" (enter scripts into the computer and fill them).  Our store had ONE certified tech - she worked every weekday from open till 4 (but rarely left before 5) and I believe there were 3 of us "Associates" that could actually "type".

Corporate has no clue how busy that store is - how I wished one of those corporate types would actually spend a day behind a register, answer phones, unload the truck, fill scripts,  and deal with the customers first hand. And do it for $7.88 an hour.

You have heard the saying you get what you pay for.  Well Drug Store Chain - you  have that and then some. You have an army of workers that don't give a rats ass.  They have no work ethic - they do as little as possible, and socialize on their phones for entire shifts.   Are they really who you want in your pharmacy dealing with drugs and customers private information?  The good workers are so overworked and disillusioned that I'm sure you will see them leave in time for greener pastures as well.

Despite the poor pay and grueling schedule,  I sincerely enjoyed working in the pharmacy.  The work was interesting and rewarding -the pharmacists were great to work for and wonderful teachers.  I miss them, the staff and the regular customers.

But it's about time that you start paying your pharmacy staff a living wage.