Friday, July 27, 2018

Work Ethic & Part-time Mentality

For years I have lamented the loss of work ethic.  I come from the OLD school - back in the day you got a job and stayed at that job - usually out of loyalty (what's that?).  We had "reviews" regularly and were rewarded accordingly.  That along with company bonuses, and other "perks" kept us with the same employer. 

I got my first job out of high school with my Aunt's recommendation.  I was in the "typing pool" in the billing department.  I worked hard and earned a promotion to the assistant secretary to the purchasing agent (he needed two).  Once I had the official "experience" under my belt, I was able to go out and find a job that would actually use all my office skills.  I moved on to a nice job in Center City Philadelphia as a stenographer-secretary to a District Manager.  Thirty dollars more a week, full paid benefits and two weeks paid vacation.  Quite a move up (this Was 1969).    When the DM was transferred, rather than fire me, the Office Manager allowed me to learn every machine and operation in the office.  I could fill in for any secretary, typist in the pool, telex/teletype operator or the Switchboard operator.  (all ancient equipment).  

What I learned way back then was how to make myself indispensable.  It was a very positive work ethic I carried with me to subsequent jobs.  Unfortunately it's not something you see now days.  What you hear now is......"that's not my job"........"that's above my pay-grade"........."not in my job description".   I see people who come in to "work" at exactly 8:30 and leave right on the dot of 5.  You can get run over in the parking lot if you aren't careful! 

That's fine.  Not all jobs require you to stay past 5, or start early.  But when I am in the office I AM in the office.  If someone requires help or assistance and I am sitting at my desk eating or on break, I help out.  Other co-workers will say sorry, I am at lunch or on break.  That's just my work ethic. 

When I was first out of work I took a part-time position at this same company I work full-time for now.  When I worked part-time I was hired for 20 hours a week, 5 days week.    That's the same as they offer the part-timers now.  When I didn't work - I didn't get paid.  I didn't get paid holidays or paid vacation because I was only hired for 20 hours a week - PART TIME. 

What I see now are part-time part-timers.  They work when They want - if they want to work 5 days they will.  If it rains or the weather is sketchy, well - they don't come in.  They make appointments for the hours they are supposed to be working, rather than the hours they don't.  They moan and groan they don't get paid holidays!?!   Last year alone these part-timers were off in excess of 30 days (each).  That's SIX WEEKS!   Granted - they didn't get paid for those days, but seriously? 

If you want to work part-time and get paid for holidays and have vacation time, then you need to go to a "chain" - restaurant, drug store, supermarket - you "earn" vacation time based on the time you work and some will pay you for a holiday if you work the day before and after.  Those part-time jobs are out there. If you aren't happy with the job you have - then find one that makes you happy and stop complaining about the job you accepted!! 

People now days feel entitled - it's all about "me" - they just don't care otherwise.  They blame it on their employer, but I think if people had a better work ethic it would make for a better workplace and maybe that attitude would roll up-hill.  Cause we all know what rolls downhill.