Monday, June 29, 2009

Long time no Blog

I can't believe so much time has passed since I sat down to blog. I had been involved in settling in the new apartment so blogging was taking a back seat to that - HAD to get the stuff put away! But so much more has happened my head just turned to mush. It has been hard to stop thinking about the so very Sad events that have taken place because they have been in my mind now for weeks. It's turned into a horrible nightmare and the only thing that is constant are the questions. Every day more questions and there are no answers. And no return calls.

OK - now I'm getting cryptic - those that know what has been going on don't have to ask. Others really don't want to know.

SO.....the new place is great. I love it - downsizing has been good. The complex is not as large as the last one and I think it gives it a more cozy feel. The people here all seem to be more friendly as well which is nice. Not to mention that when you walk by people they are all speaking English - that IS a treat ! I'll put some photos up soon. I still have to blog about the Ugly Green Chair. GOD it is ugly -- but it is soooooo comfortable.

I guess I can't let this go without saying something about Michael Jackson. Why I don't really know. When my daughter was little she was a big fan (we're talking 5 - 6 years old). Of course we indulged her (but she will blog about that). She explained to me today exactly how I related to his music - and to put it less racial - I liked his music better before he became a white woman........I suppose after my daughter grew out of the Thriller album in second grade we moved on. Unfortunately he ended up like so many other entertainers who abused drugs. I will leave it at that - his abuses were many. Rest in Peace and let's move on already. I think I was really more upset to hear that Billy Mays died. I hate to think that it may have been a blow to the head from the airline fiasco. What a cruel twist of fate.