Friday, April 20, 2018

Friends, Acquaintances and Reunions

 I've never had much of an inclination to go to my High School Reunions.  Having gone to an all-girls school, my husband wasn't "invited" to the first few,  and as the years past,  I realized there were very few people I would be interested in seeing.    I wasn't a "popular" girl in high school.  Back then people would say I was shy, definitely naive and only had a handful of real friends.   Or should I say just friends?   These girls who I spent most of my waking hours with,  have all disappeared from the face of the earth.    What I have found  is that the best friends I have, have been made later in life.

I was 29 when I met my Best friend.  I can call her my best friend after 38 years of always being there for me  She is probably a better friend to me than I am to her since I am pretty much of an air-head  and she has it more "together" than I, but there isn't anything I wouldn't do for her.

I was 66 when I met my Second Best Friend.  It is never too late to form close friendships!  I am blessed to have been this lucky.

Over the years I have had "work friends" but most of them evaporated once I was no longer working with them.  (like when I graduated from High School)    Funny how that happens.   Losing these "friends" was as much of a blow as losing my job.  What it taught me was that after 16 years at a job and walking away with one "friend" is that I've tried not to get too close to the people I work with now.  I now have work "acquaintances" (and a couple do call friend - I am a slow learner!).

Real friends aren't necessarily people you see all the time.  They are the people you share some kind of history with and are so comfortable with you that you can pick up where you left off whether it was yesterday or two years ago!    And that's what happened this weekend with friends I've know for 38 years!    I haven't seen them in at least a year, but we sat and caught up like it was yesterday!   Funny how we talked about all the good times we had and what was going on now.   That was a real Reunion.  People you really want to see and spend time with.

I would prefer a Palmetto Street Reunion - a Holy Innocents Reunion (although they did have one recently), a Bridesburg Reunion, a Boulevard Pools-Brookline Reunion....The "Kids" I grew up with.  A few of us have reconnected on Facebook which is nice, but it's not the same as actually seeing and talking and sharing old times!  But NOT my High School Reunion - there's only a hand-full of people I would like to reconnect with there.

Dog Walkers at Wyntre Brook Apartments

Dear Neighbor,

I am so sorry you felt I tried to run you down last evening when I was returning from work at 9:15 P.M.    Unfortunately I did not see you walking in my lane – in the dark – wearing a black t-shirt - with a black dog.

Possibly, if you had been walking on the grass or on the side with traffic it may not have been such a close encounter.  Please understand – I did have the right of way – it is a driveway after all, and not a walkway.  Maybe the next time you should try carrying a FLASHLIGHT  like other neighbors do when they walk their dogs at night. 

Since my dog has recently passed, I have no use for the flashlight, but I would be glad to give it to you so your dog doesn’t get hit by some poor soul driving on the road.

I am sorry if you were frightened.  Just as frightened as I was at suddenly seeing you and the dog in my lane.  Just as terrified when I got out of my car and you were standing there waiting to verbally accost me. 

Please take some responsibility for your own lack of good sense. 

Dear Neighbor,

I appreciate that we don't have sidewalks to walk on - but there is plenty of grass and driveway available that you do not have to walk right next to the apartment windows!    It's been over a year now and I think it is way past time that you will ever have control of your yapping dog.   

Yanking his leash up and hanging him will not stop his uncontrolled barking.  Telling him SHUSH, Be Quite, Stop.....doesn't work.  It is like trying to negotiate with a two year old.    Ain't happening!

Since you choose to walk by my bedroom window before my alarm clock goes off every morning - and since you walk by on weekends I can actually sleep in, might I direct you to A very good book by Cesar Milan: (the  REAL dog whisperer)  "Cesar's Way: The Natural, Everyday Guide to Understanding & Correcting Common Dog Problems" .  

If that's not an option I will be drop off a Muzzle until you get some lessons on how to handle your pup!  They have classes regularly at Petco or Petsmart who can help you out.  I am sure I am not the only neighbor who would thank you!


Dear Neighbor,

What a lovely BIG dog you have!  I am sure he is a loving pet, but outside he is a terror!  You must know that because you have a restraint around his muzzle.  I don't understand why then you walk him on a 30 foot leash!    That may be good when you are walking the trails, but in an apartment complex - with other (smaller) dogs around - it might be more "neighborly" if you kept him on a short(er) leash!  You had a hard time pulling him back from almost eating a small dog awhile back!  And he came charging at me when I walked out the door - you might have been able to see that if he wasn't out the door WAY ahead of you on his 30 foot leash........

Hint Hint......


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Office Bathroom Etiquette

I seem to be on an etiquette kick lately.  Or maybe I just assume people know what's right and what's wrong in certain given situations.  I'm not talking extraordinary circumstances - just regular daily living situations.

Take using a shared bathroom in an office.  Lately I feel like I have been using a truck-stop ladies room.  Seriously.  Not that many "women" here use the room, so I'm wondering who is wandering in suddenly who has no concerns for anyone who might be following them.

The first most obvious thing is the toilet-paper roll.  We have a stall with a "double" roll.  Any time I go in there is at least one empty.  The reach for a new roll is really a stretch......they keep extra rolls between the stalls on the floor.

Just reach down and grab one!!!

Then there is the one who will actually take the paper off the roll and stand it on top of the holder.   I'm thinking maybe their fingers are too arthritic to squeeze the holder to slide the roll on to it.   I guess I can forgive Old, arthritic, fingers.....

Maybe then because of age your can't bend down and pick up the toilet paper that is all over the floor.    Did you miss getting it INTO the bowl?

And my favorite is the squatters.   This is NOT a truck stop or public facility open to the general public.   If you are intent on squatting then please - PLEASE - dry the seat before you leave.  You would be the first one to scream foul if you sat on a wet seat!    Try lining the seat with toilet paper then - and remember to flush it before you leave!

And lastly - LADIES - please - LOOK 👀 before you leave. 

Nothing more to say about that.......