Monday, November 27, 2017

Drive-Thru Etiquette

Some things just never change.  I guess that's one thing you can count on in life.  At least at a drive-thru pharmacy.  But I am guessing it's the same at ANY drive thru location.

At our particular pharmacy when you drive up we are alerted by a doorbell-type ding (like the old-fashioned gas station for us old-timers).  It is NOT necessary to ring the bell the moment you pull up to let us know you are there!  This isn't fast food - we don't have someone standing idly at the window waiting for cars to pull up - please give us a minute!

When you pull up in your LOUD truck or souped-up car, please turn it off.  It is next to impossible to hear you over the roar of your machine, and you get irritated when we ask you to repeat what you said thinking we are deaf or just plain stupid.

Please put down the phone.  You know you are in line to pick up your goods -so wait until you are finished to make your phone call.  We really don't care to hear your conversations.  Actually, we shut the microphone off until we have to converse with you.

Same goes for the radio - turn down your music - most times we don't care for your selection anyway.

Please LOOK at the person speaking to you.  There is something very shady about a person who can't look you in the eye when you are speaking to them.    Maybe if you LOOKED at me I wouldn't have to repeat what I said.  (Receipt is in the bag.....told you twice)

If you are in the passenger seat, please speak up!    You are sitting in  a vehicle with the outside elements drowning you out and our speakers are not top quality!    I personally don't remember every customer's name, so in addition to speaking up - speak clearly please. 

Working in this environment has taught me to be a lot nicer to the people at the drive thru  - bank, fast food - whatever - I've been on the receiving end of Rude and it's not nice!

Thursday, February 2, 2017


                                             September 8, 2003 ---------------------January 24, 2017               

Well, a week has gone by since Gaston died and it's still difficult to put into words the loss I feel.   When Carmel died a few years ago I at least felt prepared.  Even tho he was 13 and slowing down, he wasn't really "sick".  I think that's what makes it so difficult.   There wasn't any warning - I wasn't prepared - he just got sick and died in my arms.  

So - after 13 years he is gone.     When I returned from the Vets I came back to a dark, quiet apartment with just his collar and leash in hand -  I never felt like I lived alone until that moment.

No more music playing on the radio to keep him company while I'm gone.
No more lights on timers so he's not in the dark while I'm gone.
No more chewies strewn all over the floor to step on  in the dark.
No more blankets bunched up to trip over.
No more tufts of hair all over the place.
No more humpy elephant.
No more long slow walks visiting every tree and bush in Wyntre Brooke.
No more treats from the leasing office.
No more sharing my Cheerios every morning.
No more being chased down every time I have a plate in my hand.
No more being guarded in the kitchen in case something falls on the floor.
No more.......

Thank you for coming into my life.   Thank you for your unconditional love.   Till we meet again.

Friday, January 13, 2017


I really thought I could ignore blogging about the new President,  but it's a hard topic to ignore.  It's very difficult to log on to Facebook or Twitter anymore without some "Trump discussion" going on. What I have noticed tho is how much more vindictive the posts are.   Don't get me wrong - I enjoy "rude and sarcastic", but I'm not enjoying the changes I've seen on my feed.  I was not a fan of either candidate or the last POTUS, but at least Obama was diplomatic and a dignified statesman.   Unfortunately I'm afraid those are terms that will not be applied to this president.

 It doesn't seem to matter that his "platform" is actually worthwhile and as a Republican, I support most of it, it's just hard to look up to a petty, defensive bully which is what is has shown himself to be throughout the campaign and his most recent news conference.

And isn't President-elect Trump part of that same "1%" that controls the media he so mistrusts and the "swamp" he wants to drain?  Will the White House be good enough for the Trumps?  Or will the new center of our Government be moved to Trump Towers?

If the President-elect truly wants to "Make America Great Again", then he needs to put down his smart phone, stops behaving like a petulant child and DO what he said he would do.

I'm willing to see what happens, but I don't really have a choice now do I?  I'm just buckling up for the ride.