Thursday, September 22, 2016


Nine years ago I wrote about how things used to be.  That happens when you get to be a certain age I guess.  Despite all the wonderful electronic advancements, I actually miss being more connected.  I don't have a "Smart" phone.  It's basic, but nowadays probably referred to as a "special needs" phone.  It texts, takes pictures, and makes and receives actual phone calls.

As far as I am concerned texting is OK for something quick - not full blown conversations.  Just pick up the phone and actually TALK to the person.  Oh - right - they're at work and shouldn't be on the phone - that's why you are texting.  OK got it.

Face book - I am guilty as the next person (since the next person has FB as well).  Going on Face book let's me keep in touch with my daughter who is very busy and very "electronic".  I know she is alive and well because she posts photos and updates!  She does text on a somewhat regular basis as well but I know she is busy!   Face book does let me SEE what my other friends and family are up to, but I can't tell you the last time I spoke to any of them!  That's disconnection.

Disconnection is a term I've read about since I've been reading a LOT of Scientology books.  (saving that for another blog)  That's a term they use when they "remove" themselves from what they refer to as Suppressive Persons.   Harsh.  But if you actually sit back and look at it that is exactly what we are doing to ourselves. People in Scientology choose to disconnect from people and the people they disconnect from are the ones that suffer.  I choose NOT to suffer any longer.

I've gone back to working a a second job - it's two-fold since I DO need the money, but I need the stimulation of PEOPLE.  Real people.  No longer trapped in my livingroom at night with the computer / TV,  I also have a new friend who also wants to "DO' real things.    So,  I will be weaning myself from checking FB as often and I will go back to sending WRITTEN notes to my long distance friends.

I will still enjoy your photos and updates on FB but I will be spending more time living in real time. If you would like to get together for lunch or dinner give me a call!  Email?  Text?  Tweet?  OK - leave  a message on Face Book - I'll check it sometime!