Wednesday, December 10, 2008


.......and I am (not very) patiently waiting for my daughter to finish so I can finally hear what she thinks. I think she is also going to be one of the Twilight people since she hasn't been able to put down the books since she picked up the first one.

I finished Book 4 this past weekend and now I feel lost. No more Edward and Bella to look forward to. It's going to take a week or so before I can pick up another of the many many books that are sitting here waiting to be read.

I think all the Harry Potter fans out there will love Bella and Edward - in a different way from Harry, but you all need to give them a chance. I never read Harry Potter therefore......


  1. Oh I forgot to tell you
    I'VE BEEN TO FORKS!!!!!!!

    Yeah we drove through while we were in WA on the honeymoon!

    I feel pretty special. Of course I'm glad I read the books AFTER we were tramping through the forest and what not! My imagination is wild anough as it is....

  2. Lost is not the word for describing how I felt when I finished the last book. Now I too am patiently waiting on my mom to finish the second book. She is reading a bit faster now that she is hooked!
