Friday, January 13, 2017


I really thought I could ignore blogging about the new President,  but it's a hard topic to ignore.  It's very difficult to log on to Facebook or Twitter anymore without some "Trump discussion" going on. What I have noticed tho is how much more vindictive the posts are.   Don't get me wrong - I enjoy "rude and sarcastic", but I'm not enjoying the changes I've seen on my feed.  I was not a fan of either candidate or the last POTUS, but at least Obama was diplomatic and a dignified statesman.   Unfortunately I'm afraid those are terms that will not be applied to this president.

 It doesn't seem to matter that his "platform" is actually worthwhile and as a Republican, I support most of it, it's just hard to look up to a petty, defensive bully which is what is has shown himself to be throughout the campaign and his most recent news conference.

And isn't President-elect Trump part of that same "1%" that controls the media he so mistrusts and the "swamp" he wants to drain?  Will the White House be good enough for the Trumps?  Or will the new center of our Government be moved to Trump Towers?

If the President-elect truly wants to "Make America Great Again", then he needs to put down his smart phone, stops behaving like a petulant child and DO what he said he would do.

I'm willing to see what happens, but I don't really have a choice now do I?  I'm just buckling up for the ride.