Some things just never change. I guess that's one thing you can count on in life. At least at a drive-thru pharmacy. But I am guessing it's the same at ANY drive thru location.
At our particular pharmacy when you drive up we are alerted by a doorbell-type ding (like the old-fashioned gas station for us old-timers). It is NOT necessary to ring the bell the moment you pull up to let us know you are there! This isn't fast food - we don't have someone standing idly at the window waiting for cars to pull up - please give us a minute!
When you pull up in your LOUD truck or souped-up car, please turn it off. It is next to impossible to hear you over the roar of your machine, and you get irritated when we ask you to repeat what you said thinking we are deaf or just plain stupid.
Please put down the phone. You know you are in line to pick up your goods -so wait until you are finished to make your phone call. We really don't care to hear your conversations. Actually, we shut the microphone off until we have to converse with you.
Same goes for the radio - turn down your music - most times we don't care for your selection anyway.
Please LOOK at the person speaking to you. There is something very shady about a person who can't look you in the eye when you are speaking to them. Maybe if you LOOKED at me I wouldn't have to repeat what I said. (Receipt is in the bag.....told you twice)
If you are in the passenger seat, please speak up! You are sitting in a vehicle with the outside elements drowning you out and our speakers are not top quality! I personally don't remember every customer's name, so in addition to speaking up - speak clearly please.
Working in this environment has taught me to be a lot nicer to the people at the drive thru - bank, fast food - whatever - I've been on the receiving end of Rude and it's not nice!