Tuesday, September 16, 2008

God is on Vacation

......and He must be in Dallas. ARGHHHHHH - not bad enough to lose sleep. But to Lose to Dallas. So close. Maybe if they called a few more of those facemask penalties against Dallas.?? Maybe if Donovan ran foward a few of those times instead of backwards??? Maybe if he hit his receivers hands a few extra times instead of the turf.....oh well. There's always next time.

And to show just how miserable we are feeling.......

she actually tried to pry off her scarf. Maybe next week.......


  1. Now come on, don't start the Donovan bashing already. It was a great game. He only threw crap right at the very end. Lets give the new guy, #10, grief for throwing the ball away and celebrating before actually scoring the touchdown....Philly fans aren't going to forget that easily

  2. I have earned the right to Bash - I am from Philadelphia and I AM an Eagles Fan. It is a God Given right. Only those from Philadelphia may bash because we have SUFFERED so long. Yes - #10 deserves his own special blog devoted to the stupidity of his act. Hopefully it will have knocked him down a few pegs.
