So if you are going to cut the cord you need to invest in a digital antenna. I got my first one for the bedroom TV - it's where I watch the morning news and I was missing Fox 29 in the morning. It's a flat leaf design that adheres to the window quite nicely (1by one) and was a snap to install. Once it was hooked up I did a channel search and then there was live TV once again! I get NBC, CBS, FOX, and about a dozen more. Two are international type news, one Spanish, two with very old TV shows and moves. I can get the CW and channel 17 if I move the antenna, but there isn't anything on that would require such a move! ABC is noticeably missing and it really SHOULD be able to come thru, but having read other blogs and investigating antennas in general I find the local ABC station is missing for most people. If I were to invest in a larger antenna and put it outside it would probably pick up all the stations I don't get at the moment, but I'm happy with my present set up. Hulu is just like having a DVR anyway.
I got a second antenna for the TV in the living room. Its an RCA flat digital and once again set up quickly and once the scan was done I was watching live TV again. Nice to watch the news with my feet up and a cup of tea!
Now later I can watch the evening news with a proper glass of wine!
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